So, despite the fact that it can take a good 30-40 minutes to get from one end of the island to the other, and despite our in-progress traffic roundabout (met the engineer running that project at the Gecko Bar the other day; nice guy), St. John still doesn't have too much in the way of traffic. We usually slow down for obstructions in the road (potholes, speed bumps, and large rocks). We brake for animals (goats, donkeys, wild pigs, iguanas, and mongoose dem -- that's the island plural of mongoose). There's exactly one place on the island where you could go more than 40 miles an hour if you pushed it. Nonetheless, St. John has a traffic light.Ready?
Here it is:
That's right; it's hanging like a hunting trophy on the side of the public works building at the top of Gifft Hill Road. The story is that even though St John has no place to put a traffic light, nor enough traffic to justify one, at the end of one fiscal year, somehow there was money that had to be spent on traffic lights in some government transportation budget. So the legislature, not wanting to see cold hard cash go to waste, spent it, and St. John received not one but three lights.
Down the hill a ways, you get to this sculptural gem:
Yup, it's what you think it is. Any doubts are erased by the nearby signage.
1 comment:
Not really into exhibitionism, myself. I always prefer to fork in private.
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