I arrived before the scooter place opened, so I munched on a spinach croissant nearby. Fortutiously, the croissant came with a brown paper bag. This came in handy when Roberto, who co-owns Beach Scooters with his brother Richard, was opening the shop. "Ee-yahhh!" he said. "That is the biggest spider I have ever seen! Isn't that the biggest spider you have ever seen?"
It was not (although it was a tarantula about half the size of my hand), but rather than saying so, I took over the arachnid extrication process. With a copy of the Island Trader and said paper bag, I soon returned the shop to a spider-free state. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to snap the creature's photo before it scurried out of the bag and over the parking lot wall. I think it was of the Avicularia genus, though. Handsome stripey little thing.
Sadly, the KLX wasn't licensed for rental yet, but I picked up a scooter instead. Despite several thousand miles under my belt on "real motorcycles", I'd never ridden a scoot before. It feels weird, like I'm sitting at a desk chair with handlebars and a lawnmower engine. But I have to say, it does the trick. What does not do the trick is the name of this Chinese brand: it's a Wussi. Which pretty much sums up my disdain for scooters. Oh well; at least it's Audi Yellow. :)

I had so much fun riding it around the island, I almost didn't make it to the beach today! Finally settled on Francis Bay on the northeastern part of the island, which is great for swimming.
The water was so smooth and clear that I didn't even put on my mask and snorkel, just paused every so often to float and watch the reef life below me. The downside was the time of day I went -- at 4 p.m., the skeeters come out in full force. They don't bother you when you're in the water, but on the beach they were swarming happily; it was a mad dash to get dressed and back on the scooter.
Today was also filled with good food and more of my new friends -- a beer and a veggie burger at the Beach Bar and a spectacular dinner at Waterfront Bistro, where the fingerling potatoes with my tuna nicoise were to die for. I am definitely thriving here. :)
1 comment:
I thought about this one a bit. As many bikers wave to each other, for various reasons, I also wave to scooter and moped riders. I think that the original impetus behind waving at other bikers was to show a camaraderie and mutual understanding of the shit we have to deal with, including oblivious drivers, road hazards, weather conditions, etc. With that in mind, the scooter and moped riders are as deserving as, if not more deserving than, the rest of us actual bikers. Having ridden mopeds and scooters before, the quiet nature, and small stature of those bikes is an extra consideration and danger. Motorcycles are motorcycles, whether they have 49cc engines and CVT transmissions or centrifugal clutches (scooters), or Chevy 350s (Boss Hoss), as long as they have less than 4 wheels. Actually, I think trikes a Wussi. Moped Dan signing off...
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